Collect feedback from Slack Messages

By capturing feedback through Slack, product teams can make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their products. However, by manually transferring the feedback to other tools, they may be missing out on opportunities to innovate and streamline their processes.

Fibery's Slack integration enables easy collection of Slack messages, streamlines feedback processes, and creates references with product features and insights.

Fibery is configured to collect messages in real time from the designated Slack channels. The messages are then added to a structured database in Fibery that includes crucial information such as sender, time, reactions, the message itself, and many more. For example, you may have #feedback channel in your team Slack to fetch all messages from this channel to Fibery.

Storing all this information in the Fibery databases allows for easy filtering and sorting of messages, and different views can be created for improved organization. Furthermore, automation can be built on top of it.

The messages are saved in rich text format, which can be linked to other databases such as features or insights. By connecting this information, better product decisions can be made.

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