About us

Fibery is 6 years old, got $8.3M in funding, and has 30+ people on board to augment organizational intelligence.
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6 years of persistence

Great things take time. We have the endurance to tackle complex problems. We'll also need some luck, but luck loves persistence
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$8.3M funding

We got a “No” from 50 funds and a “Yes” from just 2 during the Seed round. For round A we got “No” from 0 and “Yes” from 1
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Growing team of 30+ people

We are scattered all over Europe but we gather in our Warsaw and Nicosia offices from time to time

Two decades in team productivity tools
Can we already call ourselves the dinosaurs veterans of the team productivity space?

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Successful product under the belt

Fibery is not our first tool — back in 2004 Fibery Co-founders started Targetprocess (now part of IBM) to help agile teams run projects. It was adopted by thousands of companies, from startups to large corporations.
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Learning from our mistakes

Fibery was born as an attempt to fix some of the problems we learned along the way: a tool should have a custom domain, be flexible to allow change over time, and should not force people into a way of working.

Augmenting organizational intelligence
Sorry, we are missing web3 and AI in the title above, but we've got you all intrigued anyway, haven't we?

Max, Customer

It's easy to sound professional. One just has to put in a lot of fancy words — and their job is done, right? So what's different here?

Michael, CEO

We think product teams can do better than decide 'What to work on next?' based on frameworks like Kano or RICE (or based on intuition or CEO's comments).

Fibery helps product teams see trends in user feedback and use them to prioritize development, solving one of the biggest problems in product management.

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We enjoy digging into the past and discovering beautiful gems from Douglas Engelbart, Bob Taylor, J. C. R. Licklider, and Ted Nelson. Fibery is a synthesis of their ideas about augmenting human intellect blended with our experience in organizational management.
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We want to help companies to generate unexpected insights from information. To find patterns and trends in chaotic data. To solve problems that were unsolvable before. To augment the intelligence of teams and organizations. Now, this is an ambitious goal to spend a life on.
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Fibery provides everything you need to juggle data and turn it into product actions: integrations with feedback sources and dev platforms, custom databases and views, powerful formulas and reports, automations, and some more secret things coming soon.

Trying to survive have fun
Our best... We're doing our best.

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Our process

Check out our product development process with all its failures and aspirations. We hope you leave with some ideas for your own process (or better stay and try to implement them in Fibery 🦊).
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What we are working on

Here is what we are building next. We release weekly and do listen to user requests — leave yours in our community or in the chat in the bottom right corner (no boring bots there, we promise).
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Join the team

Check if we have any open positions — and join the team. We don't offer office cookies but have plenty of other perks.
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This page has been surprisingly long...

Okay, 😴
but just before you close your eyes

All this content is for you, not for SEO (doesn't work anyway)