Look, we've been there… We know the struggles of startups when even $100/month can be a deal-breaker. So here is the deal:
Get 6 months of Fibery for free if your company has fewer than 30 employees.
Before Fibery we were using Jira/Confluence as our Product Management & Development tools. I don’t like them, especially Confluence which I think is a pain to use. Then I realized life is too short to work with tools you don’t like, tested Fibery and even benefited from the “free for 6 months” startup offer.
Relieve startup founders from setting up a workspace from scratch. Together with you, we can assemble a custom solution for all the early-stage startups in your portfolio.
Provide us with educational or onboarding content, and we will make sure that every new startup in your portfolio will get it inside their workspace template.
When you partner with us, your startups can first benefit from the startup program mentioned above, and then get a 50% discount on any plans till they reach round A.
Fibery gives you a way to define your strategic goals, connect them to your tactical goals and define workflows that support the execution of those goals. I recommend it to all of my portfolio companies.