✨AI for space creation, formulas, text, automations, search, and soon reports
Use Fibery AI to brainstorm ideas, improve writing, automate tasks, find relevant data, and experiment with your process — in the same context where you work and think.

What is your temperature (yeah right) about AI thing?

Create your whole space automagically
We paired space set up with AI to help you start faster and easily experiment with your process. Enter a short prompt and Fibery AI will create a customised space that meets your requirements.
Emoji mushroom

  • 💪🏼🦾 Get a full-blown space with databases, relations, an overview guide, some sample data, and views.
  • ☘️🍀 Iterate and experiment to improve the space settings anytime.

Generate formulas using AI
Formulas in Fibery are powerful, but you have to learn the syntax to write them. Now you can try to generate formulas with the help of AI using simple language requests.
Emoji devil-smiling

  • 🐑💤 Calculate total number of open Features, % of closed Bugs, or average number of depressed teammates using a quick prompt.

Write, summarise, and explain — fast
Improve writing, summarise, brainstorm, and plan without procrastinating on it. Possibilities are endless, but we need to choose something to show as examples:
Emoji writing-hand

Create a Twitter thread from release notes
Create a Twitter thread from release notes
Invent a title for an article
Invent a title for an article
Do a checklist of tasks for a feature
Do a checklist of tasks for a feature
  • 💭💬 Don't switch context with chat-like smooth communication next to your work.
  • 🤓🤪 Choose command temperature and control how predictable or creative the result will be.
  • 🏺🧞‍♂️ Quickly create your own commands for frequent cases.
  • 🔒🔓 Keep your custom commands private or share them with the team.

Get rid of repetitive tasks
Work faster calmer without being distracted by boring repetitive tasks. Pre-set up Automation Rules or Buttons and fill text, number, or rich-text fields with the help of Fibery AI.
Emoji robot

Summarise meeting notes and chats
Summarise meeting notes and chats
Extract address data into fields
Extract address data into fields
Analyse a Sentiment Score of a conversation
Analyse a Sentiment Score of a conversation
Analyse a Sentiment Score of a conversation
  • 📭📬 Do the task simultaneously with AI Automation Rule or use AI Automation Button for more control.

Find relevant information with AI Search
AI Search uses the meaning of your search query to provide relevant results, even if they don't exactly match your search. It means no more struggle to remember the exact text used in that one Entity you created months ago.
Emoji magnifier-left

ai search
  • 🔎🪡 Use AI Search for reference creation (for example, when you select some text from your Feedback Note and want to link it to a relevant Feature or Bug).

Coming soon

Questions & Answers

What's so unique about Fibery AI?
Fibery AI goes beyond text and docs editing to help you automate repetitive tasks, simplify space creation, delegate formula writing, speed up the data search, and (soon) analyze data with reports.
What are you using behind the scenes to make this work?
We are using Open AI and Deepgram API.
What are the privacy implications?

If you don’t use this feature, the privacy situation is the same as before.

We don’t use the prompts text as training data. Check OpenAI Terms. According to the latest version they don't use your data as well:

"We do not use Content that you provide to or receive from our API (“API Content”) to develop or improve our Services."

For additional information specific to Fibery AI, see the Fibery AI Additional Terms.

Where to learn more?

Check out our guides for:

- Fibery AI in text and docs

- Fibery AI in Automations

- Fibery AI for space creation

- Fibery AI Search

Also, join the community and drop any questions and feedback that you have to our support chat. 🥹

Get started
Try Fibery AI for free and ditch all other AI (and productivity) tools once you 🧡 it.

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