How Fibery helps Vochi create mobile video effects

How Fibery helps Vochi create mobile video effects
Product company 🚀
11-50 ppl 🎩
Video-editing Software 👻
Switched from Notion 😎
Templates used in this customer story

Vochi (acquired by Pinterest Inc) is an AI-powered video editing app that allows to apply effects on objects in a video instantly. No one else does it in real-time on mobile devices!

They have a huge effects library and drop the new effects every week. Sure thing, it requires recurring ideation, planning, creative and technical development. Fibery helps Vochi to organize the work of both creative and technical teams and centralize their knowledge.

Vochi switched to Fibery from Notion, and Google Sheets as they wanted to have a centralized place for work and knowledge.

Now they use Fibery almost for everything, from Product Management and Development to Usability Testing and Marketing. Here is how their workspace map looks like 👇

In this customer story, we'll spill how Fibery helps Vochi create the central part of their app — video effects.

Ideation and Planning

All effects live in the Effects Database (part of the Software Development Space).

Once the effect idea is chosen, an Effects Designer starts to work on the design concept and adds a new ticket to the Effects Database. The ticket contains design assets and files for the development team, comments and design specs, and different custom fields.

It all looks like this 👇

🧪 Each Database has its own custom fields. Vochi's Effects Database contains priority, release date, technical name, operating system, and more.

🧩 Connected Databases. Each ticket is connected to a particular sprint and iOS/Android release. Sprint and releases are displayed in the ticket too and can be opened directly from there.

💔 Fibery doesn't have threads in comments, so the Vochi team prefers to discuss effects and exchange design drafts in Slack, where they create a separate thread for each effect.

Progress tracking

Common board

Effects Kanban board is a high-level progress view for all the designers. It shows the whole Effects flow, from "To Do" to "Deploy" to "Done".

Effects are divided by sprint, and each sprint can be unfolded to see the tickets it contains.

The board is interactive too: new effects can be created right from there, and existing can be moved to a different state or sprint, and can be opened for further work.

🤸‍♂️️ States are custom, and any rows can be displayed: Sprints, Assignees, or other.

Personal board

Each person on the team also has a separate personal Kanban board that shows only tasks assigned to them.

There is only one board in the navigation menu for everyone, but the view is unique to each team member because of the applied "Assignees contain Me" filter.

🐆 Effects previews can show any of the database's fields. The Effects team uses priority, subscription type, and application type (photo/video effects) for extra visibility.

Additional views

Here are some other views the Effects team is using. For example, Read Me contains onboarding info, and the Management view shows all tickets divided by release and person.

🙌 Same underlying data can be visualized in different ways. If you decide to ⚰️ the view, the data will be safe and sound.

🦐 Effects team members are sometimes also assigned to UA, UX-UI, or other tasks. Fibery doesn't have a My Space dashboard with all the info is visible in one place.

Meetings & Retrospectives

Effects team has both Planning meetings and Retrospectives.

There is a separate Space for Retrospectives with two linked Databases: Retrospective and Action Items. Previous notes can be easily accessed, and execution of action items can be tracked on a separate board or directly inside the Retrospective entity.

Plannings meetings are stored even closer to work, in Product space. Here is an example 👇

📖 Each entity, either meeting or task, has a full-blown collaborative text editor. Vochi team uses tables, checklists, and mentions for quick planning.


Researches and Wiki live near work too, in a separate Wiki Space. It contains documents and researches for each team and area, from Product to QA to Marketing.

Effects team uses it too for their technology, trends, and competitor researches, and also some usability tests. Results are easily accessible and transparent to everybody on the team.

🦹‍♀️Smart folder views group info by department and structure it well. Each team can navigate directly to their folder.

🎨 Researches can be filtered or color-coded by assignee, date, method, and other fields.

Fibery pros and cons

Here is what Vochi Effects team thinks about Fibery overall

💖 Fibery is adaptable and can support constantly changing work processes.

💖 Everything is connected tho custom for each team.

💖 Knowledge is stored next to work, which requires less tools and less context switching.

💖 Building blocks (Databases, Fields, Relations) allow to map almost any process.

💖 Full-blown collaborative text editor in tickets and documents is a huge plus.

😥 In-Fibery discussion of effects or tasks is hardly possible, as there are no threads in comments, and no detailed changes history in entities.

😥 There is no My Space dashboard that accumulates work from different Spaces nicely.

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Templates used in this customer story

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