How marketing agency manages projects and finances in Fibery

How marketing agency manages projects and finances in Fibery
Agency/outsource 🚀
1-10 ppl 🎩
Marketing Services 👻
Switched from Google Docs, Google Sheets 😎
Templates used in this customer story

Hi from Dzeya! We are helping startups and products with the first launch, digital marketing strategy, and setup process for scaling their marketing.

What do you use Fibery for?
Emoji puzzle

We use Fibery to manage the work of our digital agency, from storing customer CRM to managing projects and tasks to tracking invoices. We also use Fibery to plan and track our content marketing efforts.

Dzeya plus fibery

Btw, you can check out and install our full workspace template here 👇🏼

Why did you switch to Fibery and what tools did it replace?
Emoji yarn

Before Fibery we used a combination of Google Sheets, Google Docs, and Slack.

We decided to move to a proper tool once we realized that information is scattered and it's hard to find things. Plus, as our company is scaling we started to build proper processes for clear client onboarding, smooth task tracking, and centralizing the data – it's good to have a single source of truth where all the information on tasks, clients, and projects lives.

Now spill the tea: How do you use Fibery to run your agency?
Emoji tea

How do you manage customers and store CRM?

We don’t really work with our customers on projects inside Fibery – we only share documents and questionnaires with them.

However, we integrated Fibery with HubSpot and now use Fibery to manage customer CRM and track all customer-related data (from company segment to linked projects).

manage customer CRM and track all customer-related data

How do you plan and track Projects?

Each customer has a Project (there can be many of them or just one).

How to plan and track projects

In each Project, we have Tasks, Documents (for now we are still attaching Google Docs), and comments.

How to plan and track projects
How to plan and track projects

We have several views to track Projects and Tasks, here is one of them showing all ongoing Tasks on a calendar.

showing all ongoing Tasks on a calendar

How do you manage Finances?

Each month we create an Invoice. Each Invoice has a Payment Type (50-50 or 100). Projects are connected to Invoices with one-to-many relationship so that each Project can have many Invoices. All Invoices have custom Statuses showing whether the prepayment or full payment has been made. The names of the Invoices are generated automatically, depending on the name of the project, the invoice creation date, and the payment amount.

We have the main Money database, which shows all the financial data for the Project:

  • the total amount received,
  • the potential amount that is due in the future,
  • the team costs in each project (this indicator is located in a separate Team database and assigned to each Invoice).

Praise time: What is your favorite Fibery feature and why?
Emoji hugging-face

The best thing is Fibery’s flexibility and the possibility to set up everything for your own needs without any compromises. Also, the ability to automate work and integration with Zapier.

Criticism time: What you don't like/lack in Fibery?
Emoji sad-but-relieved-face

I wish it were easier to create repeatable tasks (that happen, for example, three times a day). But, as I mentioned earlier, with powerful formulas you can do almost everything, which is great :)

Here's a rule that we wrote to do this automation depending on the day of the week.

One more thing I’d want to have is a mobile app. However, sometimes it's good that it's not there and there is no way to quickly log in from the phone to work on the go — and you take time to really relax instead. 😁

Emoji mechanical-arm

We are still at the beginning of our journey, but we have already completely brought Project and Finance Management into Fibery. Finally, we have everything in one place and do not need to search through scattered chats for a link to the docks, sheets, etc.

P.S. Don't forget to check our workspace template. 🫶

Grab the agency template by Dzeya

Templates used in this customer story

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