How tech startup unites tasks, docs, and CRM in Fibery

How tech startup unites tasks, docs, and CRM in Fibery
Product company 🚀
11-50 ppl 🎩
Satellite Imagery Software 👻
Switched from Jira 😎
Templates used in this customer story

Geoalert is a tech startup. Our product is a platform that powers AI recognition of the objects in satellite and aerial imagery. As we aim to achieve the quasi-cartographic quality of the platform’s output, we call it “AI-mapping”. Or the mapping without routine.

Here is our website and Medium, if you want to learn more. 🤗

What do you use Fibery for?
Emoji puzzle

We’ve been using Fibery for about a year now.

  • We started to use Fibery as a CRM.
  • Then Fibery successfully replaced JIRA and we started to use it to manage our Software Development tasks.
  • Then we also brought some other processes, like Ideation and Meetings, into Fibery.

Here is our workspace map:

geoalert workspace

Now spill the tea: How does your work process look like?
Emoji tea

How do you plan and track tasks?

There are several major workflows, and each of them is organized differently:

  • Software Development
  • Business-related tasks
  • Helpdesk
  • HR
  • Some company-wide processes like Ideation and Meetings

As for our Software Development process, it is close to Agile but it still differs from the usual flow. As we failed at release planning, we organised tasks in a more flexible roadmap composed of “Milestones” – which aims to give more visibility and transparency to Stakeholders and Product Owners. The only thing is that now we are struggling to keep these milestones updated.

How do you store and organise your CRM?

CRM is very important to us, and that is something we lacked a lot when we were using JIRA or when we were trying some other business management tools. Their predefined CRMs always left us in deep frustration and gave us the feel of useless friction.

In Fibery, we had to figure out how to design our first CRM not using a single table structure but by setting different relations between databases: Accounts - Opportunities - Contracts, etc.

We tried to keep the CRM simple and clear. Here is how it is organised now:

CRM organization

CRM helps us to keep information about leads (Accounts) in one place and track records in sales pipelines. It is also convenient to collect client feedback in comments.

An Account Manager can assign the Contract Number and add the corresponding Documents.

How do you store documentation?

We have most of the tutorials, internal technical documentation, and guides in Fibery — it’s handy to insert their shortcuts in tasks and vice versa. We also attach PDF documents to the Contract entities.

Now we exchange files in messengers like Telegram and Slack because of faster communication and shared context. Although, it would be nice to stop using the messengers and share files right in the task entities.

In some cases, we use Google Drive to store and manage documents related to CRM, especially if they require some collaborative work. By the way, there is always a bit of pain to refer to the Documents in Google Drive from Fibery.

Praise time: What is your favorite Fibery feature and why?
Emoji hugging-face

I was forced to learn how to organize things and processes through the creation of custom spaces and relations between them. Thanks to that, I managed to set up CRM, Sprints and Milestones, and a bunch of other processes that I've never thought of before. The flexibility of Project Management is great thanks to custom domain and relations!

I noticed that processes and our team communication are getting smoother when we use Fibery and that we've reduced the number of tools in our Project Management stack.

I was also personally inspired by the Fibery support team and their dedication.

As for a feature, the views are definitely the best way to organise your workspace, when the structure of the entities and all the dependencies are stated in the workspace.

Criticism time: What you don't like/lack in Fibery?
Emoji sad-but-relieved-face

Fibery is a little bit complex for new users and it requires some dive-in. I prefer to briefly explain the project structure to the new teammates using a workspace map as a shortcut menu to get to the needed entities.

Sometimes we feel the lack of integration with Google Docs. It’s impossible to replicate all the required features in Fibery documents.

We use mostly Telegram not Slack, and we could live without the Fibery mobile app if there would be the possibility of integrating Fibery API with the Telegram bot.

Fibery is continuously developing and the user experience of some spaces and features might be a bit painful. But these things are less important compared to the benefits that Fibery provides.

Templates used in this customer story

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