How KeyGuru tracks hardware production and tests with Fibery

How KeyGuru tracks hardware production and tests with Fibery
Product company 🚀
11-50 ppl 🎩
HoReCa Hardware+Software 👻
Switched from Jira 😎
Templates used in this customer story

We are Keyguru, the Czech startup that produces Boxes and Gatekeepers for unattended reception.

Our solution is used by hotels, guesthouses, and apartments. It allows to hand keys over contactless and safe, 24/7. 🔑

What do you use Fibery for?
Emoji puzzle

We use Fibery for:

  • IT development management
  • Manufacturing management of Boxes and Gatekeepers
  • Sales process management (not CRM, but the interaction between IT, Sales, and Manufacture teams)
  • Support call scripts and calls management
  • Testing management
  • Some HR processes (vacation, working hours for part-time work, etc.)
  • Wiki and processes documentation

Here is how our workspace map looks like 👇

Keyguru plus fibery workspace

Why did you switch to Fibery and what tools did it replace?
Emoji yarn

We used Jira, but it was not cost-effective and not so handy.

We choose Fibery for its flexibility. On top of standard Kanban for IT devs, we managed to

  • track sales/manufacturing/test/delivery processes in a single place;
  • get an instant view of what we have where, and when it could be done.

This is simply amazing — we are able to visualize processes exactly as we need.

Now spill the tea: how does your development and manufacturing process look like?
Emoji tea

How do you scope, plan, and track Software Development?

Although we use Fibery for Software Development, the usage is very lightweight. Our team has only three people, so it isn’t necessary to plan and track everything. In our case, standard Kanban is enough to track and analyze progress.

How do you manage the manufacturing process?

It all starts with the sales process. At first, our salesmen define what the client wants and needs, and then create a “card” in Fibery. After that, the manufacturing process starts.

We have a Kanban board for each type of product where we track the manufacturing progress. We also use these boards to check which client has ordered what, what’s included in a bundle, etc.

We also create and store support call scripts in Fibery, so we can link them to customers and products. This way we can see everything in Fibery.

How do you manage tests?

We have test scenarios and test cases for each product, and we test each manufactured product before sending it to the client.

In order not to miss any testing step, we have a test checklist that we store in Fibery, as well as test progress and results.

How do you store your Wiki?

We have manuals for the sales and support teams about our hardware, and we store them in Fibery as separate documents. The technical documentation is stored in another system.

Praise time: What is your favorite Fibery feature and why?
Emoji hugging-face

Criticism time: What you don't like/lack in Fibery?
Emoji sad-but-relieved-face

  • Not so good integration with Make (ex.Integromat).
  • I miss view permissions for our entities and attributes. We can not use the current permissions model for the full HR management (salary) and project costs, as this data shouldn’t be available to everybody in our company.
  • Ondra: “I miss the function to copy automation rules and buttons between entities — now I need to create the same button twice, i.e. for Stories and Bugs.”
  • Jan: “I miss the ability to put Action buttons to Wiki pages or directly to views as big visible buttons. :-D I would like to make a manual with buttons.”
Templates used in this customer story

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