Fibery and Zapier Integration
Today we’ve released Zapier Integration in Fibery. You can connect many services together using Zapier and automate some actions.
To enable Zapier in Fibery, navigate to App Store → Integration section.

Click to Zapier and follow the flow. This video shows the whole connection flow and first Zap creation.
This Zap sends emails for every new Bug created in Fibery. Here are some other ideas that you can use:
- Send notification to Slack #bugs channel when new Bug is created
- Create new Candidate in Fibery from email sent to
- Create new Idea in Fibery from Zendesk
- Add Interview into Google Calendar when Interview entity is created in Fibery
- Add Meeting into Fibery when new event is created in Google Calendar
You can be very creative with your Zaps.
If you miss something in Zapier integration, let us know!
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