Add Fibery AI to your plan

Emoji sparkles
Save time, brainpower and workload with Fibery AI.
Fibery AI Basic
Limits are for the whole workspace per month
Fibery AI Pro
per user
per month
Limits are per paid user
per month
AI in Automations: Run automation rules with GPT calls to extract information, generate text, categorize thingsAI in Automations: 300 runs Run automation rules with GPT calls to extract information, generate text, categorize thingsAI in Automations: 2000 runs Run automation rules with GPT calls to extract information, generate text, categorize things
AI in Text: Select some text in a document or rich edit field and call AI actions, like translate, fix grammar, transform to twitter thread, etcAI in Text: 200 responses Select some text in a document or rich edit field and call AI actions, like translate, fix grammar, transform to twitter thread, etcAI in Text: unlimited Select some text in a document or rich edit field and call AI actions, like translate, fix grammar, transform to twitter thread, etc
Video/Audio transcription: Transcribe Audio and Video files in rich text and documents. 30 languages are supportedVideo/Audio transcription: 2 hours Transcribe Audio and Video files in rich text and documents. 30 languages are supportedVideo/Audio transcription: 8 hours Transcribe Audio and Video files in rich text and documents. 30 languages are supported
Find patterns in sources: Find repeating patterns in sources and create target entities. For example, process all product feedback and create insights and features with relevant linked feedbackFind patterns in sources: 5 runs Find repeating patterns in sources and create target entities. For example, process all product feedback and create insights and features with relevant linked feedbackFind patterns in sources: unlimited Find repeating patterns in sources and create target entities. For example, process all product feedback and create insights and features with relevant linked feedback
Find Highlights: Find Highlights in sources and targets. For example, find relevant feedback for a feature, or process Intercom chat and find relevant featuresFind Highlights: 20 runs Find Highlights in sources and targets. For example, find relevant feedback for a feature, or process Intercom chat and find relevant featuresFind Highlights: unlimited Find Highlights in sources and targets. For example, find relevant feedback for a feature, or process Intercom chat and find relevant features
AI Search: Use AI Search to find relevant information fasterAI Search: for 2 databases Use AI Search to find relevant information fasterAI Search: unlimited Use AI Search to find relevant information faster
AI Chatbots (Q&A): Create chatbots that will answer questions around your knowledge baseAI Chatbots (Q&A): 100 calls Create chatbots that will answer questions around your knowledge baseAI Chatbots (Q&A): unlimited Create chatbots that will answer questions around your knowledge base
Workspace setup:
Space creation
View creation
Formula creation
Workspace setup (Space creation, View creation, Formula creation): unlimitedWorkspace setup (Space creation, View creation, Formula creation): unlimited
Fibery AI Basic
Log in
Limits are for the whole workspace per month
AI in Automations: 300 runs Run automation rules with GPT calls to extract information, generate text, categorize thingsAI in Text: 200 responses Select some text in a document or rich edit field and call AI actions, like translate, fix grammar, transform to twitter thread, etcVideo/Audio transcription: 2 hours Transcribe Audio and Video files in rich text and documents. 30 languages are supportedFind patterns in sources: 5 runs Find repeating patterns in sources and create target entities. For example, process all product feedback and create insights and features with relevant linked feedbackFind Highlights: 20 runs Find Highlights in sources and targets. For example, find relevant feedback for a feature, or process Intercom chat and find relevant featuresAI Search: for 2 databases Use AI Search to find relevant information fasterAI Chatbots (Q&A): 100 calls Create chatbots that will answer questions around your knowledge baseWorkspace setup (Space creation, View creation, Formula creation): unlimited
Fibery AI Pro
per user
per month
Log in
Limits are per paid user
per month
AI in Automations: 2000 runs Run automation rules with GPT calls to extract information, generate text, categorize thingsAI in Text: unlimited Select some text in a document or rich edit field and call AI actions, like translate, fix grammar, transform to twitter thread, etcVideo/Audio transcription: 8 hours Transcribe Audio and Video files in rich text and documents. 30 languages are supportedFind patterns in sources: unlimited Find repeating patterns in sources and create target entities. For example, process all product feedback and create insights and features with relevant linked feedbackFind Highlights: unlimited Find Highlights in sources and targets. For example, find relevant feedback for a feature, or process Intercom chat and find relevant featuresAI Search: unlimited Use AI Search to find relevant information fasterAI Chatbots (Q&A): unlimited Create chatbots that will answer questions around your knowledge baseWorkspace setup (Space creation, View creation, Formula creation): unlimited

Questions & Answers

What AI providers do you use?
We use some custom models, OpenAI and Deepgram for audio and video transcription.
Can I use my own AI providers?
Unfortunately, No.
Is it possible to purchase Fibery AI for a select group of users?
Unfortunately, no. All active users are automatically included.
I currently have a discount applied to my account. Will this affect the cost of Fibery AI?
Yes, it will. For instance, if you have a 20% discount, the cost of Fibery AI will be reduced by the same percentage.