Radically Honest Blog

User Experience Survey Questions: 14 Questions to Ask in 2024

Sure, user experience surveys are gold mines for customer insights. But digging out the right nuggets is where the real magic happens. 

In this article, you’ll find expert survey questions and best practices that seasoned professionals swear by. We’re here to guide you through the nuances of creating the perfect user experience survey.

And don’t worry — we won’t ask you to fill out a survey afterward. 

What is a user experience survey?

You might already know a thing or two about user experience — a.k.a. UX — surveys. But let’s dive a bit deeper. 

Far from being just a simple questionnaire, a user experience survey is an invaluable tool for measuring real-world user engagement and satisfaction. 

Essentially, it’s a window into your customer’s heart and mind. 

By gathering feedback on how customers interact with products or services, user experience surveys guide businesses toward a more user-focused approach.

Specifically, they’re the bread and butter for product managers, user experience researchers, and marketing teams, as they help them understand user interactions, identify areas for improvement, and collect insights that shape future design and development. 

Roger Pressman says it best in Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach: “[E]very dollar invested in user experience can return anywhere from $2 to $100.”

14 top user experience survey questions

So, what’s the key to an effective user experience survey? Asking the right questions. 

Here are 14 of the best questions (separated by category) to include in a user experience survey — and ultimately help unearth the valuable insights you need: 

User satisfaction

Let’s get real about how your users feel. Customers’ emotions directly influence loyalty, retention, and word-of-mouth recommendations. 

  1. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with our product/service?

This question lays the groundwork for determining whether you’re hitting the mark or missing it by miles. It provides a baseline understanding of the customer experience. 

  1. What aspects of our product/service were most satisfying?

Find out what’s making your users smile. By asking this question, you identify the specific parts of your product or service that stand out positively to your users.

  1. Is there anything that disappointed you about our product/service?

You also need to understand where or how your product designs are lacking. Dig into the nitty-gritty of what might be turning users off so you know exactly what needs to be fixed. 

Product usability

How is your product or service performing in your users’ hands? This section focuses on usability, an essential factor that can make or break UX.

  1. How easy is it to navigate our product/service?

Understanding your product or service’s navigability is crucial to fine-tuning its design and intuitive functionality. It’s all about making users’ lives easier. 

  1. Were any functions or features difficult to use?

Here is where you’ll find the pain points in your product or service. Asking this question helps you identify areas where users are facing challenges and need a new solution.

  1. Could you accomplish your goal efficiently using our product/service?

Cut to the chase of efficiency. This question helps you determine whether your users can accomplish what they want without breaking a sweat or whether they’re getting lost in a maze of clicks and confusion. 

Areas for improvement

What could make your product or service even better? The questions below are your chance to gather ideas directly from those who matter most: your users.

  1. What improvements would you like to see in our product/service?

This question puts the power into your users’ hands. It’s your open invitation to receive creative, constructive feedback. It also makes your customers feel heard and valued. 

  1. Were there any missing features that you expected?

Uncover what your users want the most. Are there anticipated features that are missing or potential enhancements that you were initially hesitant about adding?

  1. How can we enhance your overall experience?

Here’s where you invite your users to share their ideal vision. The answers to this question will give you a clear outline of what your customers expect so you can better meet their needs. These insights will also help you tweak and enhance your product management process. 

Customer loyalty 

Create brand advocates who not only choose you repeatedly but also eagerly recommend your product or service to others. With the answers to the questions below, you’ll determine whether your product has made a lasting impression on customers.

  1. How likely are you to recommend our product/service to others?

Determine your Net Promoter Score (NPS) and figure out if your customers would be willing to endorse your offering to others. 

  1. Would you choose our product/service again in the future?

This simple yet powerful question uncovers whether your product or service met expectations well enough to ensure its future use.

  1. What makes our product/service stand out from competitors?

Understanding what customers view as unique or valuable allows you to capitalize on these strengths and leverage them in your marketing and product development efforts.


Use the questions below to gather important information and create a comprehensive customer profile that will help you tailor your offerings and marketing strategies.

  1. Can you provide some basic demographic information (age, gender, etc.)?

Get to know who you attract. Gathering demographic details like age and gender gives you a deeper understanding of your customer base.

  1. How did you hear about our product/service?

Identify which marketing channels are effective and which can go. Analyzing these responses will allow you to allocate your budget and resources effectively and cost-efficiently.  

Step-by-step user experience survey creation guide

Creating an effective user experience survey may be easier than you think. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Define your survey’s objective

Think of this step as setting your destination on a GPS — you need a clear destination to get the most effective route. 

So, before you get started with your survey, clarify what you aim to learn. 

Are you looking to gauge overall customer satisfaction, analyze specific features of your product or service, or identify usability issues?

Make sure each question you include contributes to these goals. This will ensure that your survey hits the mark every time. 

Step 2: Create your survey

Now, your survey will start taking shape. Fibery’s Form View can help you easily design a survey that’s functional, engaging, and accessible. Tailor your survey to gather the right kind of data.

You can choose from a variety of question types, from multiple-choice to open-ended responses. Fibery’s intuitive interface also lets you arrange questions into a user-friendly layout. 

Need a visual walkthrough? Check out Fibery’s Survey Creation Tutorial.

Step 3: Set up advanced features

Fibery’s advanced features add finesse to your survey design. By enabling default values in rich edit fields, you can gather more nuanced data without overloading your database with unnecessary fields. Additionally, hidden fields come in handy for automatic data categorization, keeping the backend neat. 

Just remember that keeping your survey descriptions and instructions clear and informative can significantly improve participant engagement. No one likes a confusing and lengthy feedback survey.

Step 4: Organize the survey data 

As responses start rolling in, Fibery can efficiently organize this data in your selected database. You’ll have the flexibility to integrate the insights into an existing database or create a new one specifically for survey responses. 

Data incorporated into Fibery’s existing database allows for a more comprehensive data management system, whereas a new database can simplify analysis and target examination. Either way, efficient data organization leads to insightful analysis and actionable conclusions. 

Step 5: Distribute your survey 

Choose your distribution channels wisely, depending on where your target audience is most active and engaged. Knowing the platforms they use and aligning your distribution strategy with that info can significantly increase your survey’s reach and effectiveness.

With Fibery, sharing user surveys becomes a breeze. We generate a unique link for your survey that you can just copy and paste wherever you see fit 💪. 

It’s also important to stay on top of your survey’s performance. Track and manage participation rates closely to make sure you’re reaching a representative sample of your customers.

Step 6: Analyze survey results 

The final and most crucial step is to analyze the results. Look through your responses to find trends, discover patterns, and identify areas for improvement. 

Use these actionable insights as a guiding light for making informed decisions and implementing impactful improvements to your product or service. Ultimately, the goal of completing surveys and analyzing their results is to help your customers have a better, more user-centric experience. 

7 best practices for user experience survey questions

Now for the good stuff: seven best practices user experience pros use to turn good surveys into great ones.

1. Target the right audience

The first step to an effective user experience survey is knowing who you’re talking to. Who are your users, and what do they need and value? 

Identifying and understanding your target demographic helps ensure that your survey reaches the most relevant users. 

You can use segmentation tools to tailor your survey to different user groups based on behavior, usage patterns, or demographics. For example, if your product or service is used by both beginners and advanced users, you might segment your survey to ask beginners about ease of use and advanced users about deeper features or customization options.

2. Figure out surveying frequency 

It’s essential to balance gathering continuous feedback and avoiding survey fatigue among your users. A good way to decide on surveying frequency is to consider your product’s lifecycle and major milestones when planning your survey timeline. 

Regular intervals, such as every 6 or 12 months, are generally recommended, as they allow you to track changes and trends.

Fibery’s project management features can help you schedule and track survey frequency effectively. Align them with your product development milestones or customer feedback cycles to make sure your surveys remain timely and relevant. 

3. Keep your surveys short and simple

Don’t pack everything into one survey. Instead, limit the number of questions to only what’s essential. Too much information or too many inquiries can overwhelm respondents and greatly reduce completion rates.

A concise survey respects the user’s time and attention. Remember, every question should serve a purpose. So, focus on crafting clear, concise questions that relate directly to your objectives. Aim for a survey that users can complete in just a few minutes.

This approach not only helps ensure higher response rates but also results in more focused and meaningful feedback. 

4. Mix up the question types

Include multiple-choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions. Doing so will help you balance quantitative data with qualitative insights and keep respondents engaged. 

Multiple-choice and rating scales offer quick, structured responses, while open-ended questions invite more detailed, personal feedback. This variety in questioning enriches the data you collect and caters to different preferences.

To make things even easier, use a user research template from Fibery’s template library to design your survey.

5. Offer incentives for participation

Who doesn’t like free things or special perks? By providing incentives like discounts, access to premium features, or entry into a prize draw, you not only encourage survey participation but also express your gratitude to users. 

Fibery’s CRM capabilities can help you effectively track which users have completed surveys and manage their eligibility for incentives. We provide a systematic approach that maintains transparency and fairness in reward distribution — not to mention saves you a lot of precious time by avoiding the need to double-check each response. 

6. Test and iterate

Before launching your survey, it’s wise to pilot it with a small group. This initial testing phase will help you spot and fix any potential or overlooked issues, such as the questions’ phrasing, the survey’s flow, or technical glitches. 

Use the feedback from this test group to refine your survey. 

You can also turn this step into a collaborative effort with Fibery. Share survey drafts within the platform, gather internal feedback, and make any necessary adjustments. With team contributions and diverse perspectives, you’ll be more likely to create a well-rounded and user-friendly survey. 

7. Act on the feedback

The real value of a user experience survey is in how you use the insights you gather. This feedback should translate into actionable takeaways that enhance your product or service.

This is how fresh transcripts turn into actionable insights in Fibery
This is how fresh transcripts turn into actionable insights in Fibery

It’s equally important to close the feedback loop with your users. Communicate back to them how their input has contributed to specific changes or enhancements. This shows that you value their opinions and strengthens their connection to your product.

Use Fibery’s project management features to track the impact of these changes over time. By monitoring how modifications based on user feedback affect customer experience, engagement, and other key metrics, you can continuously refine and adapt your strategies. 

5 challenges for user experience survey questions

User experience surveys come with their own set of challenges. Here are five common problems and how to avoid them:

1. Incomplete data

Incomplete responses — often due to overly long or irrelevant online surveys — can lead to skewed results. This partial data may not accurately represent user opinions. 

To avoid this, keep your surveys short, simple, and relevant. This means no unnecessary questions or complex jargon that could deter users from completing them. Aim for clarity and conciseness. 

2. Biased or non-serious responses

Biased or non-serious responses can compromise the quality of feedback in user experience surveys. Responses may be influenced by the way questions are framed or external factors, leading to skewed results.

Additionally, non-serious or careless responses can dilute the overall quality of the feedback. As such, it’s important to craft neutral, unbiased questions and provide clear guidelines for responses. You can start by testing your survey with a small but diverse group to ensure objectivity. 

3. Misinterpretation of questions

If this article had been written the way companies communicate with their internal teams, you’d have checked out midway. 

Similarly, when survey questions are ambiguously worded or too technical, there’s a risk that respondents will misinterpret them.

Misinterpretation can lead to unreliable data since the responses may not accurately reflect the users’ true opinions or experiences. So, make sure your questions are clear and straightforward, and avoid flowery language. 

4. Survey fatigue among users

Sending out too many surveys is never a good thing, especially since the average online survey response rate is only 44%. An excessive number of surveys can cause survey fatigue. Users can quickly become disinterested and, therefore, less likely to participate or provide thoughtful responses.

As an alternative, explore other methods, such as in-app feedback prompts, to gather actionable insights without burdening users with lengthy surveys. 

With Fibery, you can accumulate feedback from multiple sources and manage them all in one place.

Understand, sort, and act upon insights - all in Fibery
Understand, sort, and act upon insights - all in Fibery

5. Privacy and trust issues

Privacy and trust issues cross many users’ minds. Users may be hesitant to provide honest feedback because they worry about how their data will be used. 

However, it’s worth noting that 79% of customers are willing to share relevant information about themselves as long as they know how their interactions will be used. Therefore, the real challenge lies in transparency. Be upfront and communicate how user data will be handled and the benefits users can expect from participating in the survey.

Create effective surveys with Fibery

Start surveying the easy way with Fibery. Try us out for free today. 

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