Radically Honest Blog
As We May Think
This is Fibery's radically honest blog. You'll find deep and shallow thoughts about augmenting intelligence, products, and tools.
All knowledge management related posts:

Hypertext Tools From the 80s
The pre-internet era was full of wonderful and very powerful systems that are well forgotten now, but we definitely can learn from them, try to understand why we had an enormous degradation in the 1990s and 2000s, and why we are enjoying hypertext systems renaissance now.

The Knowledge Organization
Looking for the most natural way to organize collective knowledge: folders vs. networks vs. databases.

Bi-Directional Hypertext Links in Fibery
One-way links are not always good. When you mention an entity in Fibery, a back-reference appears on its page. This makes knowledge discoverable.
New Wiki Approach: Store Your Documents Close to Work
Wiki concept is not new. But in Fibery it has a new twist.