Agile experts say Scrum is about transparency, inspection, and adaptation. When it comes to the Scrum sprint, we at Fibery believe these 3 pillars should rest firmly on a solid foundation. 

One of the best ways to achieve this foundation is by using a template, not just any template, but one specifically developed for Scrum sprints.

A Scrum sprint template streamlines the process of sprint planning and ensures that every phase from execution to review is handled with precision. When you integrate a sprint template into work, you equip your team with everything it needs to meet (and exceed) deadlines.

What is a Scrum Sprint Template?

You can think of a Scrum sprint template as less of a bureaucratic formality and more of a straight-to-the-point playbook for project sprints. 

The template itself is essentially your project’s command center. It’s a predefined format that captures all the sprint essentials (tasks, deadlines, and roles) and neatly organizes them into an actionable plan.

Once completed, it becomes the backbone of your sprint planning, providing a clear structure for how your team will tackle the weeks ahead.

Whether mapping out responsibilities or timing the phase of the project, the Scrum sprint template cuts through the noise and keeps everyone on the path to delivery.

Why Do I Need a Scrum Sprint Template?

Diving straight into an Agile Scrum sprint without a template is like trying to assemble a new wardrobe without instructions. Yes, it’s possible, but why would you make life harder? 

Here’s why you need this template:

  • Sprint Consistency: The template ensures that every single sprint follows an agreed-upon and proven structure that actually works, reducing variability and nasty surprises.

  • Role and Responsibility Clarity: Everyone in the team knows what they have to do, and everyone knows exactly what each other is doing.

  • Streamlined Planning: The time between brainstorming and execution is cut down considerably when everyone is on the same page.

  • Enhanced Coordination: Keeps all teams aligned and moving in the same direction, even when the pace picks up (as it inevitably will).

Basically, if you prefer your projects streamlined and everyone in sync, a Scrum sprint template is what you need.

5 Best Scrum Sprint Templates 

Here are five highly customizable Scrum sprint templates adaptable to your unique team requirements. You can download these templates and change whatever you need to fit your goals, or even use them as a foundation to build a template from scratch. 

1. Fibery Scrum Sprint Template

Coordinate work of several teams and complete Sprints on time using Scrum process

This template is a place where several development teams work on Stories to complete Sprints on time 🤞 using Scrum process. Plan Sprints, track Sprints execution in Task Boards and Burn Down Charts, and customize everything for your own needs.

Plan and track Sprints

Plan the work by Team. Inside every Team you will see all common Scrum Views: Backlog, Sprint Plan, Task Board. You can start from here and then add your own Views for each team.

Have an overview with a "Work by Team" board that shows all Stories for all Teams.

✨ Hint: Visualise data as you want with customizable views.

Analyze Sprint execution

Create Burn Down or Burn Up charts. This is not so easy, but charts in Fibery are super flexible. Every Story has an "Effort To Do" field that should be updated with some regularity to get the chart right.

🧶 Hint: Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create Burn Down and Burn Up charts in Fibery.

Customize the process to your own needs

  • Don't need Teams? You can simply delete the Team Database, and then create the required Views (Backlog, Sprints, Sprint Planning).

  • Don't work in iterations? Just delete the Sprint Database and slightly re-configure the Views.

  • Want to track time? Track time manually or with a timer, roll up the time spent, and generate timesheets — check out our time tracking guide.

🧩 Hint: Fibery is very flexible and can reflect your organization better than any other tool.

Install the Scrum for Teams template

2. Agile Project Plan Template


 Think of this template as the central hub for managing your project. 

The Agile Project Plan template isn’t just for laying out tasks. It can be used to develop a dynamic map that will evolve with your project. 

The template integrates timelines, resource allocation, and milestones into a single clear dashboard, enabling you to monitor progress and make adjustments as you go.

Ideal for teams that thrive on flexibility, this template ensures that your project planning stays as agile as your team aims to be.

Download the Agile Project Plan Template here 🫡

3. Scrum Sprint with Kanban Board Template


This hybrid template for Agile teams combines the best of Scrum and Kanban. It allows for enhanced visibility and greater workflow control by tracking progress visually on a Kanban board while maintaining the structure of Scrum sprints.

The template is ideal for teams that are seeking a clearer overview of tasks currently in progress and who want to see bottlenecks at a glance. 

Take me to the Scrum Sprint Kanban Template 🚀

4. Scrum User Story Template


Turn your vague project ideas into actionable tasks with the Scrum user story template. It is a straightforward way to document user stories, slicing up big-ticket features into bits we can actually sink your teeth into. 

These bite-sized chunks align neatly with your sprint objectives, giving developers a crystal-clear compass for what needs doing, and when, while offering product owners a transparent view of how well things are matching up with what users really want. 

Consider this template the bridge between user demands and an organized sprint backlog that doesn’t leave you scratching your head.

Tell your user stories with the Scrum User Story Template 🏃

5. Scrum Team Capacity Template


Get your sprints on point with the Scrum Team Capacity Template. It's here to make sure you know exactly who's available and how much they can handle so that every sprint runs like a well-oiled machine. 

No more guessing games about bandwidth or the risk of burning out your team—just smooth sailing as you match tasks with capacity. Ideal for any manager aiming to keep workloads even and nail productivity targets sprint after sprint.

Get your Scrum Team Capacity Template here 🎯

Templates Get You Started, Fibery Gets You Finished

Effective Scrum sprints go beyond the initial plans. Templates set the stage, but Fibery brings your project across the finish line.

With Fibery you can manage all the dimensions of your Scrum sprints seamlessly by integrating planning, executing, and reviewing, all within one platform. 🤓Why choose Fibery?

  • Management is Centralized: Do away with all the tools you use to manage your sprints. With Fibery, everything is combined into one platform.

  • Transparency is Enhanced: Share your real-time progress and critical updates with stakeholders with Fibery’s collaboration features.

  • Processes are Streamlined: With hundreds of customizable templates and no-code options, streamline your workflow to save time and boost productivity across sprints.

  • Jumpstart your Scrum management with adaptable, no-code templates in Fibery. If you want to see it in action, start with a free 14-day trial today!

Check out other Product & Design templates:


Learn how to use Airtable for project management. Get tips and a free template to organize tasks, collaborate, and boost productivity.

Customizable Asset Tracking Template

Manage your company's assets with Fibery's customizable asset tracking template. Adapt it to your needs and stay on top of your assets.

Customer Feedback Template

Gather and analyze customer feedback with this customizable template to improve your products and services based on customer insights.

Fibery Product Management

This Space describes how we build Fibery from Product management perspective. You may find some ideas for your product development.

GIST Planning Template

Streamline your GIST planning with Fibery's template. Set Goals, Initiatives, Strategies, and Tactics to drive business growth efficiently.

Ideation & Brainstorming Template

Improve your brainstorming with the Ideation & Brainstorming Template. Organize and collaborate on ideas to turn them into actionable plans.

Now Next Later

Strategic framework that categorizes roadmap items into three time horizons: immediate (Now), near-term (Next), and future (Later)

Opportunity Solution Tree

This template helps to clarify the path from high-level goals to specific actions, ensuring alignment and focus on impactful outcomes.

Competitive Analysis Template

Gain the edge with Fibery's Competitive Analysis Template. Analyze rival strategies, identify opportunities, and optimize market position.

Product Launch Template

Improve coordination of several teams (development, support, marketing, etc) and set up a launch process.

Product Management Template

Streamline product development with Fibery's Product Management Template. Prioritize features, track progress, and collaborate seamlessly.

Product Market Fit Template

Achieve product-market fit with Fibery's template. Validate your target market, gather feedback, and iterate to create a winning product.

Product Marketing Template

Create a winning GTM strategy with Fibery's Product Marketing Template. Define your target audience, messaging, and tactics in one place.

Product Strategy Template

Streamline your product strategy with Fibery's comprehensive template. Align your team, prioritize features, and achieve product success.

Shape Up Method Template

Implement Shape Up with Fibery's template. Scope projects, set appetite, and track progress for effective product development.

Usability Testing Template

Streamline usability testing with Fibery's template. Plan, execute, and analyze user tests to improve your product's user experience.

User Research Plan Template

Simplify user research planning with Fibery's template. Define objectives, methodologies, and deliverables to gain valuable user insights.


Prioritization model used in Agile and Lean product development to help decide the sequence in which to tackle features.

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