Gap planning

The Gap Planning Framework is a strategic tool used by organizations to identify the gap between their current state and their desired future state. By identifying these gaps, businesses can develop targeted strategies to bridge them, ensuring they meet their objectives and goals. This framework is particularly useful for product companies aiming to innovate, grow market share, or improve operational efficiency.

Here is a good article about the framework

This Template includes:

  • Current State Assessment: Document and understand the existing challenges users face with your product, including navigation issues, design flaws, and performance bottlenecks.

  • Preferred State Definition: Define the optimal user experience you wish to achieve, including specific, measurable goals for improved usability, design, and overall satisfaction.

  • Gap Identification: Uncover what’s missing in your current user experience using Dirksen’s 5 common gaps to learning—knowledge, skill, motivation, environmental, and communication gaps—to effectively target and address each area.

  • Strategic Improvement Plan: Develop actions to close identified gaps and elevate user experience, enhancing satisfaction, engagement, and overall product success.

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