Identify which is the right segment to go after and prioritise your roadmap

This template is designed to help you understand what is your target segment and what features to develop to win it.

It follows quite closely to the Superhuman engine in which you survey your users on how they would feel if they could no longer use your product. The theory goes that if less than 40% answer "Very disappointed", then you need to work harder on product-market fit.

Survey and segment your users

First, you need to survey your customers. You have the Responses database for that — it should be filled with your customer survey data.

The key survey questions are: "How would you feel if you could no longer use the product?", "Who do you think would benefit most from the product?", "What is the main benefit you receive?", and "How can we improve?"

🤠 Hint: You could use Typeform and Integromat or Zapier to gather responses and automatically populate the table — ask us if you need help with setting that up.

Once you get some answers, you should define the segments into which you categorise your respondents. The second question in the survey ("Who do you think would most benefit?") allows you to make judgement about which role (=segment) each respondent should fall under. The respondents who love your product, will be describing themselves.

The results of this segmentation can be presented in several ways, but the most important outcome is that it allows a decision to be made about who/what is the 'target' market. It is this target market's satisfaction level that you want to focus on increasing.

Analyze the data you collected

With segmentation complete, it is possible to analyse the sentiment of your target segment(s).

This is done using a keyword analysis, where it is possible to find out which things your target customers place a value on ('Benefit keywords') and also which things they would like to see more of ('Improvement keywords').

🧩 Hint: Use our powerful pre-built reports to analyse both 'Benefit' and 'Improvement' keywords.

Implement and track progress

The Roadmap item database contains an automation so that when you define a keyword for the item, it links the item to any responses that mention this keyword (as a benefit or as an improvement). That way, you can be more confident about which work items are likely to bring the most satisfaction to your users.

As a general rule, you want to spend half your time working on items that are strengthening the benefit you bring, and half your time on adding the features that your users are asking for.

Finally, you need to keep on top of the data as you get new feedback from your users. The responses database will grow as you get more users, and this will drive the direction you decide to steer your product development.

Install the Product-Market fit template

What's next?

  • 🌟 Watch our webinar on how to shape product strategy with User Research and Customer Feedback.

  • Check out our Competitor Analysis template to better understand what other market players are doing and how you can build up from competitors.

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