Change history

Nothing is lost. Trace all changes in documents and work entities.
Why it's important? ☝️ Information is not static and we want to know all the changes for important pieces. Fibery traces everything, so you can overview all the changes and restore older versions if needed.

Entity History

Track changes for all entities in Fibery: Tasks, Features, Feedback, you name it. See fields' updates, new comments, new references, etc.

Entity History

🤓 Check out the Help Guide on Single Entity Activity Log.

Text History

Track changes for Documents and all Rich Text fields. Check the time of the change and the user who made the change, compare differences, and restore previous versions.

Text History

🤓 Check out the Help Guide on Text History.

Activity log

Track all changes that have been made to items. Filter to find answers to your questions. Restore deleted Entities, Fields, Views, and Databases.

Activity log

🤓 Check out the Help Guide on theActivity Log.

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