Usability Testing Template

You might love your product, and your team might love your product, but do your real users love it too? With so much effort put into taking a lightbulb moment or a concept on a diner napkin and developing it into a full-blown product, the last thing you want to be left with is disappointed customers.

Usability testing lets you sort of take your product on a little test drive before you release it to the public. And there are many templates to help you confidently along the testing journey.

What is a Usability Testing Template?

A usability testing template is your starting point for conducting a worthwhile usability testing session. After all, the goal of each of these sessions is for you to capture important data and gain valuable feedback that you can actually use to understand your product when it's in play. 

You don’t want to spend hours recruiting participants and preparing a testing environment only to end up with a useless bunch of observations. These templates help you stay focused and give your session structure, keeping potential chaos in check and giving you a place to record key discoveries.

Why Do I Need a Usability Testing Template?

A great way to illustrate why you need a usability testing template is to imagine throwing an amateur in the kitchen and forcing them to try to cook without a recipe. While they won’t be entirely lost, chances are they’d end up with a bunch of missing ingredients and techniques that are key to a delicious and satisfying meal.

Essentially, it’s the same premise for usability testing. Testing needs structure and effective guidelines, and that’s what the template is for. It’s the recipe for a usability test that is straightforward, opportunity-focused, and, most importantly, consistent. Let’s take a look at a few benefits:

  • No more disconnected tools and files – Rather than have a boatload of files, charts, and notes everywhere, a template will consolidate everything into one place.

  • Research insights become more transparent and easily shareable – The template acts as a shared reference point where everyone can understand how the test is conducted and what sort of insights you want to gain.

  • People love visuals – It’s much more pleasant to go over a visually compelling spreadsheet instead of shuffling through endless notes.

  • Easy to replicate – Consistency isn’t something you can slack on with usability testing, and a template will let you replicate a test as easy as pie. 

  • Say goodbye to bias – That standardization means you’ll be more stringent on objectivity – you’ll be less likely to steer participants with leading questions or end up with confirmation bias.

4 Best Usability Testing Templates

The beauty of usability testing templates is that they’re highly versatile and customizable. You can tinker with a variety of preset ones to fit your goals or even craft one yourself from scratch. We’re introducing five usability testing templates here that will give you a solid place to start.

  1. The Fibery Usability Testing Template

Fibery is every product manager’s dream when it comes to a highly customizable, fast, and affordable platform. It also seamlessly connects all your information in one place and breaks free of the horizontal tool mold. This testing template lets you access connected databases and a variety of views so you can visualize your testing process in board, list, table, and report form – to name a few.

The usability test is broken down into four databases: the overarching tests, the participants, the list of attempts, and the tasks. With these all interconnected, you can build a cohesive picture of your product’s user experience .

Let's go! Take me to the Fibery Usability Testing template 🏃‍♀️

  1. Process Usability Testing Template

The process usability template is ideal for businesses with software or apps that feature a couple of processes, such as ordering food, browsing listings, or user onboarding. The premise here is that you’ll have a variety of processes for your product with a few scenarios that the user will go through. Each step is put in order and there will be an expected result and an actual result to determine whether the person has passed or failed.

Download the Process Usability Template 🛣️

  1. User-Focused Usability Testing Template

This user-focused template centers more on user sentiment and self-reporting rather than facilitator observation. It’s designed to capture personal feedback of users as they perform a specific task and allow them to offer up any suggestions in return.

  1. Observations Template

The observations template makes it easy to track patterns and see if multiple users share the same experiences and opinions. It’ll help you document your observations in a systematic manner so you can highlight any recurring issues. Once you ID the most common ones, you can focus on finding real solutions for each of them in priority order.

Bring me to the Observations Usability Template 🚀

Templates Are Awesome, But Fibery is Awesome-r

Long story short, every product management team needs to perform usability testing. But with a template by your side, you can take advantage of a structured and unbiased approach that rewards you with insights that show you exactly what to do next. 

With Fibery, you can collect and manage all details of your usability tests, keep track of upcoming sessions, and gain insights on what to improve in your product using cool custom reports. 🤓 The benefits?

  • Use only one tool for the whole usability testing process. Fibery helps you plan, execute, collect, and analyze the results from each customer discovery study or usability test. Yes, it's high time to get rid of scattered tools and spreadsheets.

  • Increase transparency and easily share findings with stakeholders and teams. Keep everybody aligned and updated by storing notes, data, and interviews recordings in the same template.

  • Be more consistent in the user testing process and dramatically speed up the time it takes to collect and review results.

Set up your usability testing process using our fully customizable no-code template and start building products more meaningfully with Fibery. Start your 14-day free trial today!

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