Ideation & Brainstorming Template

Ideation template overview

Generate and discuss ideas, filter and cut down into the most practical or most innovative ones, and plan your product development.

  • Ideate using customer feedback, share context easily with the power of backlinks.

  • Build CJMs and mindmaps, brainstorm, and organize ideas. Turn the craziest ones into features and stories.

  • Write beautiful briefs together in real-time, mention teammates, create tasks right from the editor.

Give me this template, I’ve just got an idea 💡

When to use the Ideation template

This template covers the whole ideation process, from collecting and researching ideas to turning the best ones into reality.

Turn customer feedback into insights

Automatically capture feedback from external sources (Intercom, Discourse, and more) or add call notes manually. Use our flexible feedback linking mechanism: highlight any sentence in a chat or meeting notes and link this piece of feedback to any Insight or Idea.

All such links are bi-directional, and this just glues information together so you can always find sources of Ideas and Insights or dig into specific details.

See top requests and prioritize easily

See the automatically calculated total number of Insights or Ideas references and use it to prioritize your further research and development. Until the Ideas are being actively explored and developed, store them in an Idea Bank.

Brainstorm ideas in real-time

Build customer journey maps, diagrams, and mindmaps, brainstorm, discuss, and organize ideas using whiteboards. Whiteboards in Fibery are pretty powerful and tightly integrated, which means you can link them to Ideas, Features, or other entities, and create Features from diagrams on the fly. Usually, you use a separate tool for that, but having everything in a single place is just so much more enjoyable.

Track the progress

Store ideas, do brainstorming sessions and even track the Idea progress from Submitted to Completed in a single place. Use a pre-made Kanban board and Ideas Breakdown list, or set up a roadmap or progress report.

How to use the Fibery Ideation template

From the start, you have just two different Databases: Ideas and Insights.

  • The source of Ideas are Insights — repeatable observations of customer problems or behaviors. Its source is customer interviews, chats, reviews, etc.

  • The idea is something that is not ready for implementation yet, something that you want to research and spend more time on. And maybe later base a Feature on this Idea.

These two Databases can be visualized as you want. From the start, you have several views: Insights and Idea Bank tables, Top Requests board, Ideas by State Kanban, and Ideas Breakdown.

Here is how you can use this template, step by step 🚶‍♂️

  1. Add new Insight to the Insights table. For each Insight, you have an insight description, state, and so on.
    The most interesting part here is references. See where this insight was captured — from email, call, interview, etc. Use a backreference to quickly jump to the email/call/interview to read it and understand the context better.

  2. In the future you may want to can create an Idea from the Insight you have. Open an idea to add a description, images, or even do a brainstorming session right in Fibery. Use Whiteboards to collaboratively discuss things, create features right from them, and so on.

  3. When you decide that the Idea is good enough and you want to implement it, create a feature and move it into the development phase on the Ideas by State table.

  4. Idea Bank table stores all the Ideas that haven’t been implemented yet. Refer to it to prioritize the development of a new Idea.

  5. Track the progress using views like Ideas by State (it’s a simple Kanban board for all your ideas) and Ideas Breakdown (which allows you to quickly see an overview and grasp what is already implemented and what is not).

Basically, that’s it. Let’s repeat: you collect customer feedback → capture insight → brainstorm ideas.

Use Ideation template 🎨

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